Discovered by a doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, in 1796, homeopathy is an effective and scientific healing system which assists the natural tendency of the body to heal itself. It recognizes that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person including the physical, emotional, and mental planes. Using highly diluted, potentized remedies, the body heals via similars, or a like cures like basis. Made from minerals, plants, etc, these diluted remedies, containing a minute amount of the active ingredient, will match the symptoms of the patient and bring about a harmonious state. In other words, by adminstering a remedy that matches the patient’s symptoms, the body receives the extra push it needs to bring about a complete healing. Homeopathy recognizes the body as an intelligent system which has the vital force to fully restore itself from all afflictions and live in complete balance.
It is natural and effective! Homeopathy follows the body’s innate healing mechanism, recognizing its natural ability to heal itself. The homeopath uses the body’s symptoms as a guide, honoring the whole person, without suppressing the root problem through allopathic drugs. Rather than masking symptoms, homeopathy honors a patient’s symptoms which serve as a map to heal the whole person. -Homeopathy is gentle and safe for all persons, including babies, children, and pregnant women, making it ideal for families who want to heal their children without conventional medicine. Unlike traditional medications, there are absolutely no toxic side effects. -It is inexpensive, easy to order, and is even sold in many local health food stores. -Homeopathic remedies are incredibly easy to take and adminster. The pellets are small and sweet tasting and can even be disguised in water for picky children.